Prior to creating each new screening record, do a quick search in the REDCap Screening Log for the patient’s initials. If an entry with those same initials is found, review the record to see if it is the same person. (TIP: Use the appointment date in the screening record to cross reference with your electronic clinic schedule.) If it is not the same person, create a new entry for the current patient. If it is the same person, review the details of screening log record for more information and proceed as follows:
- If the patient was previously found ineligible or declined to participate, nothing else needs to be entered in the Screening Log for this patient. Skip to the next patient on your list.
- If the patient was not previously assessed, do not create a new screening log record. Instead, create a new CSF for this patient using the existing Study ID and change the record status in the screening log from COMPLETE to INCOMPLETE. After the patient is screened in clinic, update their screening log record with the eligibility information from the new CSF. Update the appointment date and add a note in the Recruiting Site Notes section explaining the change (e.g.,” patient cancelled previous appointment on 1/5 & rescheduled for 1/10”, “Patient was missed on initial visit on 1/5; was screened for study eligibility during return visit on 1/10,” etc.). Then save the record as COMPLETE.