ARC Trial Physical Therapist FAQs

Do I need to let you know if I substitute different exercises than those in the protocol?

As long as the changes follow the above guidelines, this is not necessary. However, if a particular set of exercises has not been performed at all, this should be reported – along with the reason - in the PT Report Form that will be sent to you to complete. Feel free to contact your site [...]

How much variation from the protocol is acceptable?

As long as the exercises fall into the same category, small changes are acceptable. It is also understood that some patients may not be able to progress as others. This is why the protocols have a function-based progression. Also, if you have an operative patient who had a surgical procedure other than (or in addition [...]

Can I substitute different exercises for those in the protocol? (e.g., Forward Bow instead of Pendulum)

Differences in exercise preference and patients’ needs and understanding are expected. As long as the exercise falls into the same category (i.e., passive range of motion flexion, active-assistive range of motion into external rotation), these substitutions are acceptable.

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